The ideological self-classification of the Central European population shows that the majority supports the political right-wing, they are conservative and have a critical stance towards migration.
Approximately 68 million of the 113 million people in the adult population are migration-critical, and only one-third, that is 24 million are in favor of immigration in the region. Respondents in the V4 countries tend to have the most pronounced criticism against migration – according to the poll which was conducted in 12 Middle European countries and regions by Nézőpont Institute for the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet.
Central Europeans tended to situate themselves mostly along the new fracture line associated with migration, with less pronounced positions in the case of classical left-wing or right-wing and liberal-conservative ideological factions. The fact that such a large proportion of the responses to migration expressed the same opinion proves that the most relevant and most recognizable ideological issue for citizens is the view of immigration rather than the self-classification on ideological grounds, as it was in the past. Overall, it can be said that on average, Central European countries are more migration-critical (7.6), prefer the right-wing (6.2) and more conservative (5.7).